Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The term classical guitar is generally referred to as being either the type or style of the guitar itself, or the playing style used with such a guitar. A classic or classical guitar is a standard six string acoustic guitar, and the playing style, called the classical guitar technique, may vary slightly depending on whether it is left handed or right handed, and with some variations which may affect the overall tone or dynamics of the performance. Depending upon which hand is used for the playing, the overall tone or sound may vary slightly.

For most players the hand used for plucking the strings is the dominant hand, which is why statistically most classical guitarists use the right hand for plucking strings. It is the hand used for the plucking which defines the overall tone and dynamic of the music, which is why the dominant hand is most usually chosen. It is this same reason that is used for certain other instruments, most particularly those stringed instruments which require a bow. The hand which draws the bow plays more of a role in defining the quality of sound, and so the dominant hand is often used in preference for the other.

For the majority of players, the use of the right hand will often be assumed, purely as a result of this being statistically true for most people. In such cases, the guitar is usually rested on the left leg, and often a stool or rest is used to raise this leg up so that the body of the guitar rests in a position which is most comfortable to play. It is important that the performer is not having to support the weight of the instrument or bend, stretch or twist in order to play it. Any such tension or discomfort will almost certainly result in a more tense, and therefore weaker performance.

Almost every guitarist's body shape is unique, even including length of arms, length of fingers, dexterity, strength, twisting ability, flexibility and many other such considerations. All of these effect the ease with which a standard classical technique can be achieved, and it is important, therefore, that in order to adopt a classical playing technique which maximises your own ability to produce effective sound quality, you experiment and are prepared to adapt standard techniques to suit your own ability.

Almost all classical guitarists have their own individual variations in playing style, the position of the guitar, and even which fingers are used, and how, in plucking the strings. Do not be afraid to find your own style and position, and try a variety of methods in order to find which one suits you best. The overall quality of sound, tone, harmonics and dynamics will all be affected significantly if you are trying to use a style which results in discomfort, tension or strain of any kind.

The most important aspect of attaining a good classical guitar technique is to listen carefully to the quality of the sound being produced. If one particular method either feels uncomfortable, or the sound is not quite true, or fluid, or crisp, then it would be better to vary the position, fingering and technique in order to try to improve on the quality of sound. Having said this, it is also important to bear in mind that over time you will almost certainly find that your fingers, wrists and arms become more attuned to the playing style, and become stronger, and more flexible, which will help to improve your versatility.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for guitars, drums, keyboards, sheet music, guitar tab, and home theater audio. You can find the best marketplace at these sites for acoustic guitars, classical guitars, sheet music, guitar.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Learn Guitar Lesson: The Famous 5 Note Scale - Play Great Guitar Solos With Only Five NotesLearn Guitar Lesson: The Famous 5 Note Scale - Play Great

Learn Guitar Lesson: The Famous 5 Note Scale - Play Great Guitar Solos With Only Five Notes

Some guitar players seem to pick up a guitar and start playing great solos without any effort, they hardly raise a sweat; other unfortunates struggle with their instrument all their life without making any noticeable progress.

I guess it just comes down to those that 'have it' can do it and the those who 'don't have it' are never are able to do it.


It all comes down to 'those that know how to do it', can do it and 'those who don't know how to do it' can't. It has nothing to do with natural talent or any other 'old wives' tales about learning music.

Early on in my guitar playing adventures I was often puzzled by certain individuals who were 'not the sharpest knives in the draw', yet they could play really neat solos on the guitar, whilst I (who was taking music lessons) could only play a few kiddies tunes.

It turns out that a particular five note scale is the secret, which five note scale? The minor pentatonic scale.

Technically speaking any group of five notes could be called a pentatonic scale but the one that interest us as guitar players is the minor pentatonic scale.

Extensive research has revealed that the notes of the minor pentatonic scale can be found in almost every culture on earth, this is truly a universal scale and of course explains it's popularity (both on guitar and in music.)

Music of the whole earth:

Here's something to think about... in days gone by, people all over the world working in isolation (from each other) arrived at the same (or almost the same) set of notes.

Why five notes?... easy, people have five fingers.

Why do the notes(s) in the scale vary (slightly) from country to country? Again, that's an easy one, it's because of the size of the individual's hand.

When a person in India is making a wooden flute the distance between the holes will be slightly differ to a flute made in Africa - it makes sense doesn't it? The instrument maker would craft their instrument to suit the size and shape of their hand(s), this accounts for some slight variations in the same set of 'universal' notes.

The amazing discovery is that people all over the world have been searching for a particular set of notes that all feel 'right'. It's as if we all come to the planet with the music inside us, it's just a matter of working out how to get the music out.

Now, let's take a look at the famous five notes of the minor pentatonic scale; I'll use the "F" minor pentatonic scale for demonstration purposes.

The notes of the "F" minor pentatonic are:

F minor pentatonic scale = F - Ab - Bb - C - Eb - (F)

If you are familiar with minor scales on the guitar you will realize that the minor pentatonic scale could be created by modifying the 'natural minor scale'.

F natural minor scale = F - G - Ab - Bb - C - Db - Eb - (F)

By omitting the second and sixth notes we produce the "F" minor pentatonic scale.

And now I'd like to invite you to get free access to my "How To Remember 1,000 Songs" eCourse. You can download the course for free at:

From Mike Hayes - The Guitar Coaching Guy & the Express Guitar System

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Where You Can Find the Best Digital SLR Camera
The best Digital SLR Camera can be spotted anywhere. There are stores where such cameras are sold in variety and quality, color and size. The cameras offer a wide range of features and every second one differs from the first. In the end, the choice that you make should be influenced by your photographic requirements. This should be given precedence over everything else. The kind of photography you mostly indulge in, the ambience in which you do it and the kind of motion involved should be the driving factors behind your choice. These should dictate the piece on which your eyes get fixed on.
There are a lot of genres in which photographers specialize. All of them are very dissimilar to each other. The requirements are different, and eventually the camera and lenses used vary accordingly. Lenses vary with varying genres. Action and Sports are a great genre. There is a lot of movement. The camera you hire or buy should be good at taking pictures that are in constant motion. Any lapse might be embarrassing. It would sink the effort behind the digital lens rental you pay. You might even regret the camera you choose to do this kind of photography.
Wildlife Photography can be quite demanding. Animals are moving around constantly. You can see snakes slithering around tress. Monkeys hang onto branches and rabbits run the race of their lives towards safe hideouts. All this chaotic activity has to be captured by a good Digital SLR Camera. A flawless lens with impeccable picture capturing ability serves the purpose well. The lens is able to gauge on the movement of the object and within a click, the object is there in picture in the same position in which the photographer wanted it.
Portraits have a hidden subtlety. The shots are stout, unmovable and frozen. Even then, most of the lenses fail to seize the right moment. That expression has to be caught in a split second or else, it might slip away. The Digital SLR Camera you hire by paying Digital Lens Rental should be good at capturing those precious moments and not evade them. Landscape photography too can only be done when you have a good digital SLR Camera. The beauty of nature can only be felt close to when you have the right camera in your hands. That can be acquired by paying a good Digital Lens Rental.
These attributes determine whether the one you have is a good or not. These qualities determine whether the one you are about to use will get you the photographs of your choice or not. These virtues give the final verdict over the usefulness of the Lens Rentals Florida that a photographer pays to acquire the camera and the lenses. If you happen to find these qualities within the camera you choose, then there is no reason why it should not be the best bet to do you good. Buy it, and relish the purchase.
Get Wide Angle Lens Rental and Photo Lens Rental from The LensPal in Florida. For more information please visit
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